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How does therapy work?

Sometimes we go beyond our mental limits and strengths.

It comes to a mental overload and we can fall into a deep life crisis.


This can be triggered by a wide variety of situations, such as

life upheavals, change,conflicts in the family, in a partnership or at work.

These life crises are expressed, among other things, as:









So how does therapy work here? Well, Psychotherapy offers people a method of reflecting on their current circumstances,

accepting them and getting in touch with their own SELF. On this basis, adapted values and norms can be created,

which makes it possible to better understand and process the current life situation.


As a therapist, I will accompany you.




  • Joylessness

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Insensibility

  • Psychosomatic problems

  • Sleep disorders

  • Compulsions

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